Our Success Stories of Hope

We have curated these stories of hope to highlight some of the work we have accomplished in our community. Our team regularly checks up on all our rescues who have left our care for updates on their progress, and to offer support when needed.

The lives we have impacted give us the motivation to carry on with our work. We could not have done it without the support of our donors and partners who are an integral part of our organisation.

If you would like to receive regular updates on our rescues, follow us on social media where we post live updates and interact with our followers.

rosemary wanjiru frolics of hope- sponsor a child in kenya

Rosemary Wanjiru

Rosemary is an orphan survivor of physical and emotional abuse meted on her by the aunt who took her in after the passing on of her mother. Frolics of Hope Africa learned of her case through our online platform where a neighbor reached out to us. We went on a fact-finding mission and case verification. She had been brutally abused and had visible bruises which had not been attended to at the hospital. We took her to the hospital after which we reported to the police. The aunt was arrested and charged with assault in court. The case is still pending in court.

Through our Sikio Mtaani Program, we managed to find her father who had not seen his child since she was 2 years old. We reunited them and he was accorded custody of Rosemary. Today, Rosemary has managed to join high school and is doing well.

Harriet Njeri

Harriet is a 14-year-old child who was struggling with being neglected after her parents separated. Due to the busy schedule of her mom, she found herself alone most of the time and unguided hence joining gangs within Nakuru. By the time we did her rescue, she had been trained how to shoot using a gun, how to kill using a knife, and even choke (Kunyonga) people to death. She had also been involved in kidnapping for ransom of children. We took her in and offered her therapy, counseling, and accommodation. We also managed to reach out to the mother who successfully attended parental classes and counseling. We finally reunited the duo. Harriet is currently in high school and is doing very well. She is no longer involved in crime and left the gangs.

Euphemia Adhiambo

Adhiambo is a 13-year-old orphan who had been going through violence after she lost her mom. The mother was a single parent. When we took her in, she was suicidal and had given up hope. We took her in and offered trauma counseling therapy. Her case is still pending in court. The children’s department was able to find her a permanent placement in a children’s charitable institution where she is getting a lot of support, care, and love.

Trazan Kariuki, Prince Kiptrotich, & Kelly Njeri

Trazan, Prince, and Kelly are siblings whose mother neglected them due to alcohol and drug abuse. We rescued them for the first time in April of 2022. After a few weeks, the mother came with her sister-in-law who promised to take responsibility for the children. We would release the children to the sister-in-law who did not keep to the agreement and left the children to the mother who was an alcoholic. Through our community response volunteer, we learned the children were in a worse situation and we had to rescue them again. The children stayed at the Trauma and Rescue Center for 6 months as the mother was going through rehabilitation. After Christmas, we managed to reintegrate these children into their mother and we are happy to report the mother is fully rehabilitated and is now responsibly taking care of the adorable babies. Trazan and Prince have since joined the school and are doing well.

Beatrice Wanjiru Success Story

Beatrice had for so many years experienced sexual violence while staying at a children’s home where she had grown up. Unfortunately, when she was adopted, the new family would use her for prostitution in their brothels. Frolics of Hope Africa learned of her situation through an anonymous tip and we swiftly acted and rescued her. The case was reported and managed to get the court ruling where the adoptive parents were arrested and are serving their term for sexual exploitation of a minor.

Viola Chebet

Viola was born a normal child. However, at the age of 4, she had her first encounter with her abusers who since then formed a habit of raping her. She would develop nerve and fistula challenges which made her a special child. She also had delayed milestones despite her age. The child was committed to our Trauma and Rescue Center by the court through the medical report which recommended she needed trauma therapy to completely heal from a fistula. We accepted her at our Trauma and Rescue Center where for 6 months she went through various forms of play, nature, spiritual, and emotional therapy. We are happy to report that at the time of exiting Viola from our Trauma Center, she had completely recovered and did not need to use diapers. She had also gained a lot of confidence and could make informed decisions on her own.

Our Mission

Frolics of Hope Africa is dedicated to ending child exploitation, ensuring all children have access to education and development opportunities, and resolving conflicts without discrimination, regardless of race, religion, culture, political opinion, or gender.

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